Saturday, October 3, 2015

Incubator Lesson 1: Why Would Anyone Become a Leader?

I begin this blog in the midst of a challenging week and era in my life. It pains me to say that I am learning some very hard leadership lessons from my own failures, selfishness, and lack of experience. I find myself in a leadership incubator, sometimes patiently and many times impatiently, waiting for an opportunity to arrive.

Leadership has always been a passion of mine. I've attended conferences, read dozens of books, and tried to fill my resume with as many leadership experiences as possible. With all of the effort I have invested in my own personal leadership journey, I have been surprised to see how challenging leadership truly is. It makes me think of a conversation I had this week with a colleague. We were discussing the question, why would someone ever want to become a leader?  I have to admit, I couldn't think of many good reasons. Then she offered a great answer - we are wired to be leaders.

I dedicate this blog to answering this question in my own life and hopefully yours. I hope that we can learn from my successes and my many, many, many failures.


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